Ways to Give

Your gift provides a lasting testament to your values and supports our future clergy.
Pledge Gift
Pledges can be established by completing a response card or by visiting here. You can make pledge installments using check, credit card or direct debit.
If establishing a pledge using your credit card or direct debit, your account will be charged automatically. If you would like to make installments by check, it is helpful to include your first installment along with your response card. After that, you will receive a monthly statement.
One Time Gift
Checks can be made payable to “St. Charles Borromeo Seminary Appeal.” Please do not send cash in the mail.
Credit Card Gifts
You can use MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express cards to make an Appeal gift. A credit card gift can be made by mail with your response card or online at stcharlesseminaryappeal.org/donate.
Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
EFT donations can be arranged through your bank. You will need to include routing number, account name, and number for crediting. You can also set up a direct debit online at stcharlesseminaryappeal.org/donate.
Matching Gifts
Would you like to double your gift? Many companies match St. Charles Borromeo Seminary Appeal gifts. Please contact us at 215.587.5650 or email matching@TheCFGP.org to receive more information.
Gifts of Securities
A gift of appreciated securities is one way to make a significant contribution at a reduced cost to you. Federal tax laws allow a charitable deduction for the full market value of securities on the date of your gift.
Donor-Advised Funds
The St. Charles Borromeo Seminary Appeal is grateful to accept distributions from donor-advised funds. The legal name and address for the institution is St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, 100 East Wynnewood Road, Wynnewood, PA 19096. Our EIN is 23-1370450. Distributions can be made for the purpose of the Annual Seminary Appeal. Distributed funds should be sent to CL# 5315 | P.O. BOX 95000-5315 | Philadelphia, PA 19195-0001.
Tribute Gifts
A tribute gift to St. Charles Borromeo Seminary allows you to further your loved one’s legacy for years to come. If you would like more information on having family and friends make donations to honor your loved one’s legacy, please contact us at scsappeal@TheCFGP.org or 215.587.5650.
Planned Gifts
Giving to St. Charles Borromeo Seminary benefits all those who have answered the call to serve. Remember the seminary in your will and continue to show your impact for today, for tomorrow, for all of us. Making a gift is easy, if you would like to include St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in your will or trust, consider using the following bequest language:
“I, [name], of [city, state, ZIP], give, devise and bequeath to St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, 100 East Wynnewood Road, Wynnewood, PA 19096 TAX ID 23-1370450 [written amount, percentage of estate, or description of property] for its general charitable purposes.”
There are other ways to include St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in your financial and estate plans. The Seminary Appeal provides complimentary resources for charitable planning. To learn more click here, contact 215-587-5650 or scs@TheCFGP.org.
All gifts to the 2023-2024 Seminary Appeal are tax deductible.
Consult your tax advisor on the tax treatment of all gifts.

Your gift provides a lasting testament to your values and supports our future clergy.
Your gift provides a lasting testament to your values and supports our future clergy.